Stones of Portugal Episode-3
Sammy Chris
Specimens produced in Iberian Peninsula- Arsenopyrite, Siderite, Quartz, and Fluorite

Arsenopyrite- Muscovite: They are iridescent crystals of Arsenopyrite that form closed aggregates with parallel growth and they look lustrous.
Arsenopyrite- Pyrite, Fluorapatite and Siderite: They are crystals that look unusually individualised and elongated. The faces and edges are good. The crystals look transparent.
Arsenopyrite- Marcasite, Siderite and Muscovite: They are Metallic grey prismatic crystals that are very bright and have parallel epigenetic Marcasite growth with a greenish colour. They are with small tabular Siderite crystals and leafy Muscovite aggregates.
Arsenopyrite- Marcasite, Quartz with inclusion and Muscovite: Fan-like aggregates with metallic grey growths find the second face of very sharp Arsenopyrite- Marcasite crystals. It is a very clear and quartz crystal. Leafy Muscovite aggregates are found.
Arsenopyrite- Marcasite, Calcite and Muscovite: Aggregate of complete Arsenopyrite- Marcasite crystals that have polycrystalline growth. They are very bright with small Calcite crystals and leafy Muscovite aggregates.
Arsenopyrite- Sphalerite with Chalcopyrite, Arsenopyrite and Siderite: Sphalerite crystals with good faces and edges, good growth of Chalcopyrite and Arsenopyrite crystals and Siderite crystals.

Siderite with Fluorapatite: Its honey colour and transparency are generally not found. Generally, it is more opaque. Fluorapatite crystals are found translucent and transparent with bright white colour.
Siderite with Ferberite and Quartz: It looks elegant and the platy Siderite crystals are warm brown in colour. The Ferberite crystals are transparent, colourless Quartz.
Siderite with Quartz and Arsenopyrite: Aggregate of prismatic Siderite crystals in a very uniform dark brown colour, silky lustre – microcrystalline surfaces on the prisms. Siderite is with Arsenopyrite and cubic Pyrite microcrystals.
Siderite with Quartz: Barrel-shaped Siderite crystals on a mass of quartz crystals and small Arsenopyrite and Pyrite crystals.
Siderite: Big lenticular crystals which are a clear brown colour. It has a well developed flat pinacoidal surface.
Siderite with quartz: A quartz prism is encrusted with little Siderite crystal covers. Siderite with quartz, Chalcopyrite and Muscovite. The aggregate of Siderite crystals, one of them clearly dominant on crystalline quartz mass with leafy Muscovite aggregates.
Siderite with Quartz and inclusions: Siderite crystals covering quartz and small Arsenopyrite crystals.
Siderite with Pyrite, Quartz and Muscovite: Great group of Siderite crystals, brown colour, partially coated by small Pyrite crystals with crystals of quartz, leafy Muscovite aggregates, as Arsenopyrite and Pyrite cubics.
Quartz with Siderite: Neat and brilliant quartz with neat and brilliant siderite. The Siderite crystals have good faces and edges.
Quartz with fluorapatite: It has inclusions and with Muscovite, Siderite and Calcite. Thin fluorapatite crystals with quartz crystals partially coated by Siderite and Muscovite.
Quartz with Arsenopyrite, marcasite, Siderite, Calcite and Muscovite: Single quartz crystal with Ariel growth of marcasite-arsenopyrite, leafy Muscovite growth and crystals of small Siderite and white Calcite.
Quartz with Siderite and Muscovite: Parallel growth of completely clear, colourless and very bright quartz crystals of great quality. They are partially coated by an aggregate of Siderite crystals and Muscovite aggregates.
Quartz with Siderite, Pyrite, Ferberite and fluorapatite: Quartz crystals with typical forms on the front side and polycrystalline growths on the back. They are partially coated by Siderite, Pyrite and fluorapatite, with small inclusions of well-defined arsenopyrite.
Fluorite with Ferberite, Quartz, Muscovite and Chlorite: Quartz crystals and a single Ferberite crystal are almost fully coated by cubic fluorite crystals with a uniform blue colour.
Fluorite on quartz with Chlorite: Group of very flattened Fluorite crystals and well-defined cube shapes. The fluorite has grown partially following the forms of quartz crystal. The quartz crystal is partially coated with Chlorite near the base.
Fluorite on topaz with quartz and arsenopyrite: A group of very flattened Fluorite crystals with very well defined forms of cubes. Fluorite, in lilac-blue colour brown partially following the form of quartz.
Fluorite with quartz, Muscovite and Chlorite: Fluorite crystals in cubes are translucent and have intense bluish-lilac colour on a quartz crystal mass.
Fluorite with Muscovite: Aggregates of cubic fluorite crystals with polycrystalline surfaces. They are very translucent and have intense lilac colour, with leafy Muscovite aggregates.
Fluorite with quartz, Chlorite and Muscovite: Aggregates of cubic fluorite crystals that are colourless with rough faces due to microcrystalline growths. Quartz crystals with fluorite coatings and small Muscovite aggregates are also found.
Fluorite with quartz and Siderite: Fluorite crystals are found in a well-balanced cube shape. Its exterior is pale blue and it has a deep violet centred with white inclusions.
Fluorite with quartz Siderite and Chlorite: Transluce
Fluorite with fluor nt and colourless fluorite crystals are found by the growths of multiple small crystals. Fluorite crystals are on quartz crystals coated by Chlorite, white Siderite crystals and Pyrite micro crystals.
apatite and Muscovite: Small aggregate of fluorite crystals with the colour between blue and lilac. They partially coat the faces of translucent fluorapatite crystals with a yellowish-green colour.
Fluorite with fluorapatite, Arsenopyrite and Muscovite: Transparent and very bright thick fluorapatite crystals with very deep green colour, with small arsenopyrite crystals and Muscovite aggregates.
Fluorite with fluorapatite and Chlorite: It has polycrystalline fluorite growths with vivid colours between blue and lilac. This uncommon fluorapatite crystal is partially coated by doubly terminated fluorapatite crystals and with clear quartz crystals on the back.
Octahedral Fluorite with Cassiterite: It is a very rare crystalline form of fluorite. It is translucent with a bluish-green colour and white areas. Also, bright groups of cyclic Cassiterite formations are found.
Octahedral Fluorite with quartz: It is known as the Aztec pyramid because of polycrystalline growths on the octahedral crystal. These crystals are extremely rare and translucent with a deep lilac bluish colour.