Australis Bookmatch Marble; Bring in Some Grandiose Look

Australis Bookmatch Marble; Bring in Some Grandiose Look

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Australis Bookmatch Marble is a type of marble that is found in Australia. It is a unique and rare type of marble that has gained popularity for its stunning bookmatch pattern. The bookmatch pattern is created by cutting the marble block so that the two adjoining slabs mirror each other, creating a stunning symmetrical effect.

Australis Bookmatch Marble is known for its dramatic veining and colouration. It features a mix of beige, brown, and grey hues, with dark brown or black veining running throughout. The veining gives the marble a distinctive and eye-catching appearance, making it a popular choice for interior and exterior design projects.

Bookmatch Marble Origin; Where is From??

Australis Bookmatch Marble is a type of marble that is quarried in Australia. It is a rare and exotic stone known for its striking bookmatched pattern, which is created by cutting two slabs from the same block of stone and then placing them side by side to create a mirror image. The marble has a white background with veins of grey, black, and gold running through it, creating a dramatic and luxurious effect. Australis Bookmatch Marble is a highly sought-after material for high-end residential and commercial projects, including countertops, flooring, and wall cladding.

Wide Range of Applications for Your Blue Marble Surface:

Blue Marble Surface


The beautiful veining pattern of Australis Bookmatch Marble makes it an ideal choice for flooring in areas such as lobbies, hallways, and living rooms. Its durability and resistance to wear and tear make it a practical option for high-traffic areas.


Australis Bookmatch Marble can be used to create a stunning feature wall, particularly in areas such as foyers and reception areas. The natural beauty and unique veining patterns can create a striking focal point in any room.


The durability and heat resistance of Australis Bookmatch Marble makes it a great choice for kitchen and bathroom countertops. It's a natural beauty, and timeless elegance can add a touch of luxury to any space.


Australis Bookmatch Marble can create luxurious bathrooms, including vanity tops, shower walls, and floors. Its ability to reflect light can create a bright and airy feel in any bathroom.


The unique veining patterns of Australis Bookmatch Marble can create a stunning feature around a fireplace. Its natural beauty and heat resistance make it an ideal choice for this application.

Australis Marble Finishes and Patterns:

Australis Bookmatch Marble is a type of marble characterized by its unique veining and bookmatch pattern. Bookmatching is a technique used to create a mirror image effect by cutting the marble slab into two pieces and then placing them side by side, like the pages of a book.

The veining in Australis Bookmatch Marble is typically a combination of white, beige, and grey, with occasional hints of gold or yellow. The patterns created by the book-matching technique can vary, but they often create an impression of movement and depth in the stone.

Regarding finishes, Australis Bookmatch Marble is available in various options, including polished, honed, and leathered finishes. A polished finish will give the marble a high-gloss, reflective surface, while a honed finish will create a smooth, matte appearance. A leathered finish, on the other hand, will give the marble a textured, almost suede-like feel.

Get to Style Your Marble Bookmatch Stone on Your Floor:

Marble Bookmatch

Australis Bookmatch Marble is a stunning natural stone that can add a touch of elegance and luxury to any living room. Bookmatching is a technique used to create a mirror-like image by matching two adjacent marble slabs. This technique creates a dramatic effect perfect for a living room focal wall.

Here are some tips on how to incorporate Australis Bookmatch Marble into your living room:

Choose the Right Wall

The focal wall in your living room should be the first wall you see when you enter the room. This will make it the room's centrepiece, and the Australis Bookmatch Marble will be the show's star.

Keep the Rest of the Room Simple

Keep the rest of the room simple to let the Australis Bookmatch Marble take centre stage. Use neutral colours for the furniture, and avoid patterns that might clash with the marble.

Accent Lighting

To make the Australis Bookmatch Marble pop, consider installing accent lighting. You can use recessed lighting, track lighting, or wall sconces to highlight the marble and create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Add Artwork

The Australis Bookmatch Marble will create a beautiful backdrop for artwork. Choose pieces that complement the marble and add colour to the room.

Maintain the Marble

Marble is a natural stone that requires proper maintenance to look its best. Clean spills immediately, use a pH-neutral cleaner and avoid placing hot objects directly on the marble.

Choose from this Range of Marble Collections:

Marble collection

Pick this range of marble stones from us




Firozeh Marble has a multicoloured background with the majority of colours being dominated by a blue-green hue. It looks unrealistic with a mixture of brown veins and white patches over the surface that makes the slab look like an artistic… read more




£326.01 £331.00

Carrara C Honed Marble has been one of the highest enquired stones from our buyers including both homeowners as well as stonemasons and fabricators. The smoky-grey veins and stunning white appearance of Carrara Marble have earned it worldwide acclaim. Carrara… read more

Contact Us for Marble Installation within 10 Working Days:

Marble Installation offers these Marble collections for your kitchen countertop, kitchen flooring, walls, outdoor designs, and more; you can get these stones at our best available price. For a free quote, Contact or Call us at 0330 113 5868 to get your Kitchen done and enjoy our fabrication and installation service within 10 working days.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What if You Do Not Even Seal the Marble?

If you do not seal your marble floors, any moisture that gets in could cause the marble to lose its gleaming, glossy appearance.

  • Is it Possible to Make a Mark on Marble with Water?

Water stains are another common stain found on marble. These stains can be caused by a water glass left on a marble countertop for an extended period or by hard water.

  • Is it Proper to Treat Marble?

Marble is a luxurious, natural material that creates a reflective surface. Despite being strong enough to serve as a countertop, the calcium-based stone can also be gentle and porous.

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