Helping to Improve Room Lighting in Easy Steps

Helping to Improve Room Lighting in Easy Steps

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In our recent installation, we saw the light wrongly influencing the stone colour, subsequently making the slab look white instead of grey. We don't want our readers to end with the wrong light alignment and make their room miserable. To improve room lighting, understand the colour theory, highlight the needed places, plan the spatial layout, angle the lights, choose the stone colours wisely, and rectify all. To know more about the current trends, stay in touch with our blogs!

How to Improve Room Lighting?

Simple, Good lighting is critical for creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere in any room. Whether you're looking to brighten up a dark space or enhance the ambience of a well-lit area, understanding the principles of lighting setting could make a significant difference. Here, we have given you a few key strategies to help you improve room lighting.

How Do You Fix Poor Lighting in a Room?

How Do You Fix Poor Lighting In A Room

Understand the Colour Theory

The shade must be cohesive and "blend with lighting" for an appealing look. To fix poor lighting, you must first work on the colour theory. It plays a vital role in setting the mood of a room. Warm tones like yellow, orange, soft corals, terracotta, and peach create an enticing ambience, while cool tones like teal, blue, sage, mint and neutral blue-green shades evoke a sense of serenity and give you the feel of "closely related to nature" feel. Avoid yellow lights in our abodes; unless your ambience is a cosy restaurant or a karaoke spot, the yellow lights won't be necessary. Pick normal white lights so they won't alter the stone's colour.

Highlight the Needed Places

If you feel your core area needs to improve room lighting, quickly cross-check and do these simple steps. Highlight the spots by adding artworks, architectural features, or furniture pieces, and use lighting to accentuate them. Directional lighting, such as spotlights or track lights, can draw attention to specific areas and create visual interest.

Plan the Spatial Layout

To improve room lighting, plan the layout efficiently. Sometimes, incorrectly placed lights or poor layout will alter the look of any island, worktop, or breakfast bar by creating more shadows and depressing the worktop's colour and pattern. What is the point of spending much on your countertops, but in the end, the lights and layouts you finalised, changed the colours and look of the worktop as a default? So, work on your optimal placement of lighting fixtures based on the layout and function of the room.

Choose Stone Colours Wisely

Consider how different stone colours interact with light if you're incorporating stone elements into your room design, such as countertops or backsplashes. Lighter-coloured stones reflect more light and can help brighten a room, while darker tones absorb light and create a sense of depth. Ping us to get a free quote.




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How Do You Optimise Lighting in a Room?

Angle the Lights

To improve room lighting, pay attention to the angle at which lights are directed to avoid glare and shadows. Experiment with adjustable fixtures to achieve the desired lighting effect, highlighting architectural details or creating a soft, relaxing glow. Improve room lighting in your bedrooms for a pacifying sleep.

Ideas to Improve Room Lighting

Ideas To Improve Room Lighting

Layered Lighting

Layered lighting came first when we surfed about ideas to improve room lighting. So, what is it? Combining ambient lighting (such as overhead fixtures or recessed lights ) with task lighting (like desk lamps or under-cabinet lights) and accent lighting (such as wall scones or picture lights) to provide both functionality and ambience.

Dimmer Switches

Install dimmer switches for your overhead lights and other fixtures to have more control over the intensity of the lighting. This allows you to adjust the brightness according to the time of day to improve room lighting, the mood you want to create, or specific activities in the room.

Natural Light Enhancement

Maximise natural light sources by using light-coloured window treatments that allow sunlight to penetrate the room. Consider placing mirrors strategically to reflect natural light and make the space feel brighter and more spacious, To improve room lighting.

Task Lighting in Key Areas

For healthy eyesight, one needs to improve room lighting. We are in 2024, where the use of gadgets, mobile phones, and laptops is high. Identify areas where task lighting is needed, such as reading nooks, gaming rooms, bedrooms, kitchen countertops, or home office desks, and install focused lighting to radiate these spaces effectively. Adjustable desk lamps or directional track lighting are great options for providing task lighting where needed most.

Statement Fixtures

Make a statement with eye-catching lighting fixtures that serve as focal points in the room. Whether it's a chandelier in the dining room, a pendant light in the foyer, or a sculptural floor lamp in the living room, choosing fixtures that reflect your style could enhance the space's overall aesthetic.

Have You Got the Under Cabinet Lighting Done Yet?

Have You Got The Under Cabinet Lighting Done Yet

Under the cabinets are used for storage at the most. Lights are trimmed and concealed in the edges. Under the cabinets are just dark corners that must be provided with additional task lighting in the kitchen to guide you in the nights, under cabinet lighting with LED strip lights or puck lights that can be discreetly mounted beneath cabinets to brighten countertops and make food preparation easier.

Improve Lighting in the Ceiling

Attention, Attention!! Ceiling lights are the most important details that grab attention easily. Haven't you seen the cloud ceiling yet? Which is trending on Instagram! Lowkey heavens, isn't it? Use uplights or wall washers to graze textured surfaces and create visual interest in the room.

To Improve Room Lighting, Integrate Smart Lighting Systems

Consider investing in a smart lighting system that allows you to control the lights remotely via a smartphone app or voice commands. Smart bulbs, switches, and dimmers offer convenience and flexibility, allowing you to customise the lighting according to your preferences and schedule.




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Landscape Lighting

Extend your lighting design beyond the indoors by incorporating landscape lighting to illuminate outdoor living spaces, pathways, and gardens. Outdoor lighting enhances the curb appeal of your home and also improves safety and security during the evening hours.

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