Statement - Making Stylish Vendome Terrazzo in Living Space

Statement - Making Stylish Vendome Terrazzo in Living Space

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The Vendome Terrazzo has a cream-coloured foundation with a tender, darkish green and brown texture on top. The mineral constitution of Vendome Terrazzo's Engineered Stone consists of 95% marble shards and 5% polymers, which have been put together to produce far more cutting-edge material. With its rich beauty and creaminess, Terrazzo bumped up the living spaces. Usually, homeowners make good choices by adding Terrazzo to their dwellings, which gives the room a classic style. Now let us enjoy Vendome's worth in our living room area.

Most official buildings and institutions, airports, and numerous other venues use Terrazzo as a flooring material. Terrazzo ranks as one of the potential materials utilized on the flooring of all residential and commercial buildings. It evaluated the attainable specifications to be 3050mm in length, 1240mm wide, and 20mm thick, meticulously terminating with a Honed gloss.




Vendome Terrazzo is a fantastic slab with cream, dark green and brown textured stone that looks perfect for your bathroom, kitchen backsplash, living room flooring that gives little spice around your house. While the easy-to-clean nature of floor tiles will… read more


Tweaking Modern Terrazzo Bathroom!!

Tweaking Modern Terrazzo Bathroom

The custom-made Vendome Terrazzo would convey your bathroom environment an antique appeal. That makes it the most interesting option for installing in a lavatory. It's typically helpful for sink tops, floors, and bathroom surfaces. What makes this material the greatest opportunity for a bathroom? Terrazzo is customarily a tough, hard substance that is water-resistant, waterproof, and unhindered by the surface of the liquid.

Green and Brown textures will match each bathroom piece and crawl away the innovativeness of the bathroom area, whereas the floors' s vintage-look would add a sense of privilege and a texture of deep green.

It's often utilized primarily indoors and outdoors. And yet, it's essential to remember that Terrazzo wouldn't stack up in extreme heat, which will also nullify its individuality. As an outcome, it will be encouraged for outdoor spaces as well and will demand virtually low maintenance.

Terrazzo Kitchen, Conveys the Excitement of an Adventure

Terrazzo Kitchen, Conveys the Excitement of an Adventure

Vendome Terrazzo ranks among the promising material for interior kitchen decoration. Every nook and cranny of the kitchen unit can be updated and used in various culinary locations.

Terrazzo Kitchen Floors

Vendome Terrazzo can meet the desire of the kitchen floors; such enticing material will intensify the sustainability and longevity of the floors while demonstrating its artistic value.

Terrazzo Backsplash

A splashback is vital for preventing unwanted kitchen mishaps from destroying the walls and prohibiting the Vendome Terrazzo's characteristic appearance from morphing the backsplash into an elegant look that improves the kitchen's desirability.

We'll Kick off with Glorifying Identical Terrazzo Stone Assortments

We'll Kick off with Glorifying Identical Terrazzo Stone Assortments

Man-made Terrazzo stone will achieve more feats than foreseen and meet homeowners' desires with its unbeatable magnificence. Let us examine a few of the honoring Terrazzo stone collections shortly,




Palladio Moro Terrazzo is composed of a mixture of marble granules: a single black layer is covered by white organically formed pebbles. A large-scale, intense pattern is the result, which is consistently produced by an unpredictable mixture.The white stones are… read more





Verde Alpi Terrazzo Marble-Resin is an agglomerate made up of first-rate marble fragments. It has a green background and various colour fragments. Verde Alpi Terrazzo embedded with numerous irregular chips and flakes. They have high abrasion, impact, and flexion resistance.… read more





Palladio Fenice Terrazzo is an exquisite kitchen flooring, backsplash and worktop solution. Its classic honed finish and 20mm thickness make it perfect for a durable and stylish kitchen. Fenice Green adds a unique spark of character and personality to your… read more

Sustainability of the Creamy Terrazzo Worktop

Terrazzo might not constantly require extensive upkeep and cleaning. It affords only such an absolute bare minimum of care. Just use a damp or paper towel to leave the surface feeling tidy and appealing. To prolong its elegance, provide the area a quick wipe-down on an occasional basis with a spotless, fresh towel. Anyone can also wipe it using a standard kitchen cleanser and warm water. It will last an extreme while if it obtains the appropriate treatment and upkeep.

Request a Quote to Access Your Terrazzo Worktop UK

Still dubious about deciding yours? Do not worry; has a significant lineup of terrazzo-style pebbles, which bring in many colours, textures, and styles that one can utilize to lend your living space, such as your kitchen and bathrooms, a statement-making touch. Our expert installation staff would oversee each aspect of your worktop voyage from conception to completion. Call 330-113-5868 or send an email to to get in connect with us.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What are the Specifications of Vendome Terrazzo?

  • Color: Cream, Dark Green, Brown

  • Size:

        3050 in Length

        1240 in Width

        20MM in Thickness

  • Finishing type: Honed Finish.

  • What is the Significance of Terrazzo?

A complex material known as Terrazzo is appropriate for floors, countertops, and many other décor tasks. It is outstanding because it is extensively crafted of sustainable materials like marble, granite, quartz, and glass chips.

  • Is Terrazzo Water-Resistant?

Unbelievably weatherproof and waterproof, Terrazzo is a fascinating material.

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