Stones of Spain

Sammy Chris

Episode 1: Evolution of Stones in Construction Spain has given place to many varieties of natural stones in the past, which of course has added to its heritage and culture. The proximity factors of geological resources decided the usage of stones for construction in Spain in the past, current technological...

Stones of Canada, Episode 1

Sammy Chris

Geologically, Canada is one of the oldest regions in the world, with more than half of the region consisting of Precambrian rocks that have been above sea level since the beginning of the Palaeozoic era. Canada's mineral resources are diverse and extensive.  The Canadian Shield The Canadian Shield is a...

Buyers Demand Product

Sammy Chris

Our Buyers Demand page is for sellers and buyers to list or supply the products that are either unavailable on our collection or out of stock.  90 % of the time, we can find any stone worktops for our fabricator enquiries from the wide range of collections displayed by our registered...

What is Remnant?

Venu Gopal

Remnant according to definitions is nothing but a left-out portion of any material after its primary purpose has been solved. In the stone industry, a remnant implies to half-cut slabs, offcuts or damaged stone slabs that are apparently not in a first-class condition and hence not favoured by customers generally....