Carrera Extra Quartz; Stunning Stone for Every Household

Carrera Extra Quartz; Stunning Stone for Every Household

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Carrera Extra Quartz has a white quartz surface with delicately textured grey veins circling it. The resulting Quartz is held together by the powerful combination of Quartz and polyresin. Many structural projects can be solved practically with the Elegant Carrera Extra. Many people with design needs choose Quartz because of its inherent qualities, including stain, heat, and crack resistance. The white background with the smoky waves of grey offers a homogeneous pattern with little variety. A polished version of Carrera Extra Quartz is provided with a 20 mm thickness. The quartz surface has an elegant, classy appearance thanks to the glossy polish, which makes it appear appealing.




Carrera Extra Quartz has white base with finely textured grey veins swirl around the pure white quartz surface. The brawn composition of quartz and polyresin bonds the resultant Quartz. The Elegant Carrera Extra is a practical solution to many structural… read more


Try Styling Your Carrera Extra Quartz Leftovers for Your Kitchen

Try styling your Carrera Extra Quartz Leftovers for your Kitchen

Stepping Stone

Outdoor spaces or gardens can benefit from stepping stones made from slabs. The slabs of Quartz are heavy enough to resist movement when walked on while being light enough to lift easily. Making a mosaic out of leftover pieces will make your home garden look colourful and creative.

Desk or Table Surface

Quartz is a stunning, durable material to create an additional desk or table space. Table tops or desks can be made from leftover slabs. Leftovers from kitchen counter installations can also enhance the design of an adjacent dining area or family room.



Using quartz slabs in this way can make your living room or bedroom look attractive. With Quartz, you can create striking fireplace features whether you incorporate them into the whole fireplace or only part.

For Flooring

Quartz leftovers are an excellent choice for homeowners searching for an exciting floor pattern other than square tiles or rectangular planks of wood. They only need a slab of Quartz to create something unique.

Match Your Quartz Slabs with Other Materials:

Match your Quartz Slabs with other materials

Select timeless materials for your bathroom or kitchen design to fit the traditional hues other natural elements like wood, metal, stone, brick, and cotton complement Quartz beautifully. The warm tones in the wood cabinetry, accent pieces, or furniture, as well as the warm and cool tones of metal fixtures, lighting, and accessories, will be exquisitely complemented by the warm or cool tones in the neutral colours of the countertops. Brick and stone have been utilised for millennia and will always be classic home design elements. Upholstered chairs, rugs, and linens made of natural fibres are other natural resources that can be used. These pairings complement many design aesthetics, including Scandinavian, modern, and rustic.

Choose the Timeless Quartz Counters:

One of Quartz's best attributes is its ability to faithfully imitate genuine stone, which has demonstrated lasting beauty since it has been used for so long. Only Mother Nature could create so many lovely organic designs, but quartz countertop producers are constantly honing their techniques to make surfaces seem just like the real thing.

These stone-like patterns, which range from delicate to striking, have swirls and veining that resemble the sought-after stone materials quartzite and marble. Avoid complex patterns and opt for Quartz with simple or minimal designs to obtain ageless appeal. Even if your aesthetic is futuristic or industrial, this holds for any surface that resembles stone and Quartz that resembles concrete. Low or no patterns will not overwhelm you.

Choose the Timeless Natural Quartz Counters

For Baking, are Carrera Quartz Countertops Suitable?

Cool Surfaces for Countertops

You can still rely on quartz countertops even when the oven is on, and the Kitchen is warm. Quartz surfaces maintain their calm, similar to natural stone countertops. This makes it so that butter will only melt when you want it to in baking. Additionally, it speeds up the cooling process of your cookie dough so that you can cut it into the desired shapes quickly.

Choosing the Perfect Stone for Kitchen:

Choosing the perfect stone for Kitchen

Pick these wonderful stones from us




Carrera quartz is a perfect white stone for your interior decoration. Carrera White Quartz is one of Italy's classic luxury quartzes, with white and grey undertones. With a white look and a light grey nose, this quartz countertop produces the… read more





White Attica Supernatural Quartz has a crisp white base featured with an intricate veiny pattern. This quartz slab has a super sleek look in polished finish which is more enhanced by the distinct black veins which have been manufactured to… read more





Bianco Drift Supernatural Quartz is a grey, polished finish slab that features a subtle yet attractive pattern made with darker grey and reddish-purple veins. It is glossy in appearance and feel. It is a dream come true for kitchens, baths,… read more

Pick Up these Elegant Quartz Collections from

You can get these White Quartz collections from for your kitchen island, kitchen countertop, kitchen backsplash, and many more; you can get these stones at the best price from us. For a free quote, Contact or Call us at 0330 113 5868 to get your Kitchen done and enjoy our fabrication and installation service within 10 working days.

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